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Was Israel “created” by the UN?

From Israel National News, 20 October 2024, by Dr. Alex Grobman:

…At the [post-war] Conference in San Remo, Italy in April 1920 [delegates pictured above], the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers, Britain, France, Italy, and Japan met to define the precise boundaries of the lands they had conquered at the end of WWI. As part of a peace agreement, Turkey yielded jurisdiction over the land which it had ruled from 1517 to 1917, including the Holy Land. Israel and two dozen other countries were created from the states of the former Ottoman Caliphate.

Former Israeli ambassador Dore Gold observed that in the last century, Israel is the only state established whose legitimacy was officially acknowledged by the League of Nations and the UN. 

The League of Nations Mandate did not grant the Jewish people the rights to establish a national home in Palestine, it simply recognized the pre-existing right that had never been surrendered or forgotten. The Jewish people had been sovereign in their own land for a thousand years before many were forced into exile. The establishment of the State of Israel did not represent a creation ex nihilo. Israel was admitted to the United Nations as a full member on May 11, 1949.

These rights were upheld by the UN under Article 80 of the UN Charter after the UN replaced the League of Nations. International law expert Nathan Feinberg, added, On July 24, 1922, the Council of the League of Nations recognized the existence of the Jewish people, its historical link to the land of Israel and its right to reestablish its ancestral home there.

When the Muslims invaded Palestine in 634, ending four centuries of conflict between Persia and Rome, Israeli diplomat Yaakov Herzog noted, they found direct descendants of Jews who had lived in the country since the time of Joshua bin Nun, the man who led the Israelites into the Land of Canaan. This means that for 2,000 years, Jews and Christians constituted the majority of the indigenous population of Palestine, while the Bedouins were the ruling class under the Damascene caliphate.

Israel’s formal acceptance as the 59th UN Member State on May 11, 1949 was consistent with the UN’s original core beliefs. The UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in Paris on December 10, 1948 by the UN General Assembly, was issued in response to the “disregard and contempt for human rights” that resulted in the “barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind” called the Holocaust—the attempt to annihilate the Jews of Europe by the Nazis.

Does this suggest that Israel was “created” by the UN asks historian Martin Kramer. No he says, because “ if it were within the power of the UN to create states, an Arab state would have arisen in 1948 alongside Israel….”