Friends of Israel WA

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Never Again is Now: Stop the Hate, Mate

Never Again is Now, (NAIN), is a Christian grassroots movement educating and mobilising Christians to stand against the most ancient of racial hatreds, antisemitism.

In Australia we pride ourselves on being a tolerant and inclusive society, where everyone is free and safe.

Since October 7th, 2023 the Jewish community of Australia have not experienced this. In fact, there has been a massive increase in acts of hate towards Jewish people.

The Jewish community of Australia is a tiny minority in our country, only 120,000 people. They have been here since the first fleet, and have made an enormous contribution to our society.

A small group of us started “Never Again Is Now” because we believed that we had to do whatever we could to stop this hatred of our Jewish friends and fellow-citizens.

Since then it has been wonderful to see the large numbers of people coming out in support of the Jewish community at our various events.

However, it has been disheartening to see the hatred expressed towards Jews growing and spreading. People try to pretend it is not hatred of Jews by calling it “anti-zionists”, but everyone knows exactly what it is: hatred of Jews.

So, sadly, our work if far from over. We need you, and your family, and your friends, and your church, to join us to stop this hate and to make sure everyone, including the Jewish community, are free and safe in our country.


Register for the Perth Event on October 27, here