Friends of Israel WA

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Friends of Israel WA: Annual General Meeting

FOIWA’s Annual General Meeting will be held on 1 August 2024, 7pm for 7.30pm, at Perth Hebrew Congregation, Freedman Rd, Menora, 6050.

The formal notice can be downloaded at this link. The AGM’s VIP Guest Speaker will be Libby Mettam MLA, leader of the WA Liberal Party.

To help with planning please reserve your free ticket to the meeting via this link

Members are also warmly invited to nominate for the FOIWA Committee of Management. As per our rules of association, the committee consists of

  • (a) a Chairperson;
  • (b) a Vice-Chairperson;
  • (c) a Secretary;
  • (d) a Treasurer;
  • (e) a Membership Officer;
  • (f) one (1) person nominated by the Jewish Community Council of WA (Inc) (JCCWA); and
  • (g) up to six (6) other persons, all of whom must be members of the Association.

If you would like to nominate to serve on the committee, please use the form available at this link and return to our Hon. Secretary no less than 7 days prior to the AGM.