Friends of Israel WA

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A Special Presentation by Senator Dave Sharma on The Future of Australia-Israel Relations after October 7th.

Friends of Israel Western Australia warmly invites you to a special presentation by

Senator Dave Sharma


The Future of Australia-Israel Relations after October 7th.

Mon 26th Aug 2024, 7:00 for 7:30 pm at Perth Hebrew Congregation

Dave Sharma is a Senator for New South Wales. He previously served as the member for Wentworth in the House of Representatives from 2019 to 2022.

Prior to entering Parliament, he served in the Australian Embassy in Washington DC (2006-2009), as head of the International Division of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2010–2012), and as Australia’s Ambassador to Israel (2013–2017).

Numbers are limited. Reservations are essential via this link

Reservations are free, but donations will be gratefully received at the door.

Friends of Israel WA is grateful to Senator Dean Smith for organising Senator Sharma’s visit.

For enquiries, please email